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Hello Guy's welcome to our blog "Techno babor" todays topi5c is SEO mistakes all new blogger do
Generally 3 mistakes also new blogger do now i am mentioned all SEO mistakes on this post
Writing in a blog are often really fun and rewarding process.
Blogging is creatively free because you love to write about your creativity and desire in any subject.
But getting readers are often a special story!
If you want people to search your blog and see what you want to mention, this will help you with SEO (search engine optimization) and To do this SEO (search engine optimization) requirements.
This suggests doing certain things on your blog in order that the search engines will direct your readers thereto.
Here are three SEO mistakes are avoided by new blogger's when they blogging not carefully.
2. No Keywords While trying to stuff too many keywords into your content can quickly cause so.mething that's unreadable and enjoyable to write down , keywords are an enormous a part of ranking
Some keywords are getting to naturally appear in your writing as you mention a subject , but it's ideal to try to to some basic keyword research when editing your
To see blog posts and where you hide or to search for certain phrases for some pronunciation Keywords are edited
You should link back to your blog after sharing it on social media, which will create a Google Backlink Web and follow it.!
Backlinks play an enormous part in getting you ranked, which is why you ought to include this author bio and above-mentioned links every where you'll be found on the web , whether guest posting or just forum posting on another website.
Title, keywords and help's rank web on Google so those 3 things is important for all blogger and aslo mistaken those three things so to ranking your post o google you must required those thing.
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